
image_tools.radialprofile.azimuthalAverage(image, center=None, stddev=False, returnradii=False, return_nr=False, binsize=0.5, weights=None, steps=False, interpnan=False, left=None, right=None, mask=None)[source] [edit on github]

Calculate the azimuthally averaged radial profile.

image - The 2D image center - The [x,y] pixel coordinates used as the center. The default is

None, which then uses the center of the image (including fractional pixels).

stddev - if specified, return the azimuthal standard deviation instead of the average returnradii - if specified, return (radii_array,radial_profile) return_nr - if specified, return number of pixels per radius and radius binsize - size of the averaging bin. Can lead to strange results if

non-binsize factors are used to specify the center and the binsize is too large
weights - can do a weighted average instead of a simple average if this keyword parameter
is set. weights.shape must = image.shape. weighted stddev is undefined, so don’t set weights and stddev.
steps - if specified, will return a double-length bin array and radial
profile so you can plot a step-form radial profile (which more accurately represents what’s going on)
interpnan - Interpolate over NAN values, i.e. bins where there is no data?
left,right - passed to interpnan; they set the extrapolated values
mask - can supply a mask (boolean array same size as image with True for OK and False for not)
to average over only select data.

If a bin contains NO DATA, it will have a NAN value because of the divide-by-sum-of-weights component. I think this is a useful way to denote lack of data, but users let me know if an alternative is prefered...